Usborne Very First Reading: Book 2 Captain Mac

Usborne Very First Reading: Book 2 Captain Mac

2017-01-30    02'55''

主播:  斯布格拉底

139 7

Captain Mac is busy. He sails at half past ten. But he still needs to find a crew. "Can I get ten men?" "I can be the cool," says Tom. "Look out, or you&`&ll get wet. I can catch our supper. "I can get it in a net." "Stop that hungry rat!" cries Mac. Ron has the pet for that. "My cat will do the job," he cries, "A cat can get a rat." "Who can clean the ship?" asks Mac. "Right now it looks a wreck." "Don&`&t worry, Captain Mac," says Ned. "I can mop a deck." "Who can help us find our way?" Mac gives his charts a tap. "I know which one to use," says Nat. "I can pick a map." Soon Mac has found nine sailors. One more and he can stop. "I can climb the mast," says Rick. "Can I get up on top?" Now Rick is feeling dizzy, he has to come down quick. A sailor&`&s life is not for him, he&`&s leaving. Rick is sick. A girl runs up. "I&`&m Pam," she cries. She&`&s on board with a hop."I&`&d like a job." "Let&`&s see,"says Mac. "Pam, get up on top!" Pam scrambles up the rigging. "The job is yours," shouts Mac. "Get ready for the journey, lass." "Run, kid. Run and pack!" "My crew&`&s complete," beams Captain Mac. "And every one&`&s gem. The clock has struck, the tide is right." "I did it. I got ten!"
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