Usborne Very First Reading: Book 4 Dog Diary

Usborne Very First Reading: Book 4 Dog Diary

2017-02-02    02'09''

主播:  斯布格拉底

130 4

Today was fun. First I woke up Jock. I hid in a box, and I bit a sock. We had our breakfast and went to work. I sat in a van, and I did not yap. "All right, Pip, now down you hop." I met a cat, and I did not nip. "Good boy, Pip, let's go to the park." I ran and ran in a big zig zag. An open gate! And what's that smell? I ran up a hill, and Joke had to yell. "Stop, Pip, that will make you sick!" "Yuck!" Time to go home, or so I thought -- I got on a bus, but Jock did not. Ah yes, the van -- oh help, now what? "No, Pip!Quick,Pip!" Off I got. "Watch the puddle, Pip, don't jump yet." I fell in, and i got wet! "Bathtime and suppertime, boy," Jock said. I am back, I am fed. I let Jock get to bed.
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