Usborne Very First Reading: Book 4 Bad Jack Fox

Usborne Very First Reading: Book 4 Bad Jack Fox

2017-02-03    03'17''

主播:  斯布格拉底

165 6

Dan opens up his diamond store. He's watched by Bad Jack Fox. "I wonder what Dan's carrying?" "I will rob him of his box." Jack grabs the box and runs away. "Hey, wait,stop thief!" cries Dan. But Dan is not as quick as Jack. Zip! He is off in his van. Dan spots a friend in his taxi cab."Mick's sure to help, I know." Dan has a plan."Just follows that van!" "Quick, Mick! Go, go,go!" The cab goes fast, but then it stops. "Tank's empty -- just my luck!" "I will fill it up.""But I will go and get a can." While Mick is filling up the tank, Dan's thinking of Bad Jack."My box is miles away by now." "I will not get it back." "Don't worry," says Mick, as they zoom away."I'll soon return your box." "A cab can go as quick as a van." "Yes, I will fix Jack Fox." Now who's that in the road ahead? Looks like he needs a tow. "It is Jack Fox and his red van.""Bad luck! It will not go." The van lets out a cloud of smoke. Mick peers inside."What's this? You need to let your engine cool." "It is red hot." "Fizz!" "Hiss!" Dan quickly grabs his precious box. He's glad to get it back."A bath toy for my son,you see." "A duck?""Yes, Jack.""Quack, quack!"
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