Usborne Very First Reading: Book 5 The Magic Ring

Usborne Very First Reading: Book 5 The Magic Ring

2017-02-05    02'36''

主播:  斯布格拉底

74 3

Josh and Kip are on the shore. They watch the tide come in. They&`&re stranded on an island. Josh is sad and he is thin. There&`&s something lying in the sand.Tosh calls out to his pup."Is that a big fat fish, kip?" "Be quick then, dig it up!" They hope it will be good to eat. Kip gives his tail wag. "No such luck. It is a ring.Let&`&s rub it with this bag." Josh sights,"It&`&s very pretty... But I wish I had a fish." A flash of light, a cloud of stars -- A big fish on a dish. "Hooray, this ring is magic!"Josh cheers and grins at Kip. "Chin up, Kip. I am in luck. I wish I had a ship." Now Josh and Kip are sailing home, But soon the wind grows shrill. "I wish I had a coat," says Josh,"I will get a chill." Then comes the most enormous crash. It gives them such a shock. They slip and slide along the deck. The ship has hit a rock. The magic ring goes flying, and Josh falls in the sea. "No, hop in quick, Kip. Get it back for me!" The ring is lost. The ship has sunk. How gloomy can things get? Then just in time, they hear a cry:"Hang on to this net!" Now Josh and Kip are safe on board, and here&`&s a funny thing-- A fish is in the net as well...And in the fish -- the ring!
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