Usborne Very First Reading: Book 6 A Fright in the Night

Usborne Very First Reading: Book 6 A Fright in the Night

2017-02-06    02'49''

主播:  斯布格拉底

85 2

The house is dark, the blinds are drawn. But wait - is that a light? "I'm Jess, the vet. You must be Bill?" "Yes, Jess. that is right." Jess examines Fang's score paw. "He doesn't bite, I hope?" "I will need to soak his foot. Then rub it with this soap." "And now please check my fish," says Bill,"I think they must be sick. I keep them in a big deep pool." "Jess, meet Fin and Nick." Jess checks the pair all over, to find out why they're ill. "Yes, yes, I see. It's not too bad. A pill will fix them, Bill." "There's something wrong with Nip," says Bill. "He just won't eat his food." "I might need to check his teeth. Is he in a good mood?" Jess soon spots the problem. She finds a tooth that's split. "Bill, look at that. This tooth is bad. I will get rid of it." When Jess has done, Bill shows her out. "That light - is it the sun?" Jess looks at Bill, and sees his...teeth!"So long, I need to run!"
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