The Palace is sleeping, the moon is pale. A light in the night, and a thin, sad wail..."Oo-oo-oo!"
The queen has a pain! Quick, quick, the queen is sick!
The mail calls a footman. "We need Doctor Don." "I can tell the queen, he will not be long."
Storm clouds are gathering. The footman frets, "I will need a coat, I will get too wet." "Look at that rain!"
The footman is in a terrible flap. "Is this the right road? I wish I had a map!"
Ah, here's Doctor Don's house. It's raining still. "We need to be quick, the Queen is sick. She cannot wait."
"Look, here is the doctor. Go quickly, and tell..."
"But look at the Queen! She is up, she is well!"
"She is not in pain?"
The Queen is all smiles, she says with a trill, "I did feel ill, but then I tool a pill." "And I feel right as rain!"