Usborne Very First Reading: Book 7 The Deep Dark Woods

Usborne Very First Reading: Book 7 The Deep Dark Woods

2017-02-09    02'38''

主播:  斯布格拉底

97 5

"Beware, beware the deep dark woods. Do not go far from the pool. Be good!" But Jack doesn't listen, Jack isn't scared. "Quick as we can, let's go, let's run. Join me, Dan, it will be good fun." It is cold in the woods, full of shadows and mist. "This is no fun. Can we go now, Jack?" "But Dan, I am not sure how to get back!" The a crash and a cry gives the pair a fright. Wooooooooooo! "Is that a wail, a howl or a yell?" "On Jack, will it hurt us?" "How can I tell?" "It's a ghost! A monster! A horrible brute!" Tooooo-wooooooo! "No, now I can hear, I am sure it's a hoot." "Look! It's a owl, trapped under a tree. Can we set it free?""Let's see if we can." "Do not hurt us, Owl. Now tug hard, Dan." Yes!" "Do you need to get home? Let me take you there." Jack and Dan and the owl zoom up in the air. The owl sets them down, and they wave goodbye. "I will not go back to the woods." "Nor will I!"
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