Usborne Very First Reading: Book 11 Wild School

Usborne Very First Reading: Book 11 Wild School

2017-02-16    01'49''

主播:  斯布格拉底

44 2

Miss Blair, Miss Blair! There's a hare on my chair." "Can he share my lunch?" "Can I have a hare? Miss, it's not fair!" "Miss Burt, Miss Burt! See that bird? Is it hurt?" "Can it perch on my arm?" "Look, it's pecking my shirt!" "Miss York, Miss York! There's a hawk on the porch." "Is it your hawk?" "Hey, look at its claws!" "Miss, it's flown off!" "It's not my fault." "Miss Brown, Miss Brown! There's an owl on the ground." "Howard found him." "He's my owl now." "Can I have an owl?" "Look out, it's Miss Boyd!" "Now, girls and boys, And animals too--" "There's TOO MUCH NOISE!" Shhh! Shhh!
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