Usborne Very First Reading: Book 12 The Circus under the Sea

Usborne Very First Reading: Book 12 The Circus under the Sea

2017-02-18    01'50''

主播:  斯布格拉底

42 2

Danny the dolphin says,"Hey, follow me. I'm going to the circus under the sea." Well, this is exciting! It's ever so dark. Wendy the whale says,"When will it start?" Is there a problem? We hear a low moan. "The stage lights re broken. Quick, lend me your phone." Thank goodness! Here's Eddy, the electric eel. "I can fix them," he mutters. The audience squeals. It's showtime! The seahorses race around the ring. The clownfish play tricks, and the mermaids sing. "Magical! He's a genius!" The squid on the high wire balance and sway. But the real star is Eddy. He saved the day.
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