Usborne First Reading: The Greedy Dog

Usborne First Reading: The Greedy Dog

2017-02-28    01'52''

主播:  斯布格拉底

81 2

Dog was always hungry. One day, he trotted to the market. He spotted a bone."Look at that bone," Dog barked."I want it!" No one was looking. Greedy Dog grabbed the bone. Then he ran away. "Hey!" He ran and ran. "I'm so clever!" Soon, he came to a river. Dog looked into the river. He saw another dog! "That dog has a bigger bone,"he thought. "I want it!" He growled at the dog in the river. The dog in the water growled back. He barked at the dog in the river. The bone fell our of his mouth. The other dog vanished. "Oh no!"barked Dog. "Now I have no bone at all." There was no dog in the water. It was Greedy Dog's reflection all along. "I'm so silly!"
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