Usborne First Reading: Anansi and the Bag of Wisdom

Usborne First Reading: Anansi and the Bag of Wisdom

2017-07-29    02'08''

主播:  斯布格拉底

657 5

Anansi was king of the spiders. One day, a god gave him a present. "This bag has all the wisdom in the world. Anansi, you must share it." Anansi frowned. He didn't want to share it. "I could be the cleverest in the world! I must hide the bag,"he thought. He found the tallest tree in the jungle and started to climb. But the bag got in the way. "Oof! Oops! Oh no!" His son tried to help."Put the bag on your back. Hurray! It worked." "But I have the bag of wisdom," Anansi said."I should know it goes on my back." He threw the bag down into a bush. It burst open. Wisdom flew all over the world. Everyone had some. Now everyone knows something but no one knows everything.