Usborne Young Reading: The Runaway Princess Chapter 4

Usborne Young Reading: The Runaway Princess Chapter 4

2017-08-09    04'11''

主播:  斯布格拉底

37 2

Chapter 4 A cake and a ring The prince sent out messengers far and wide. None of them could find the mystery girl. Hoping against hope, the prince rode back to the farm. This time, a silver light shone from one of the windows. His heart leaped. "Could it be?" The girl was in the kitchen, dressed in shining silver. "She's as beautiful as the moon," sighed the prince. He knocked eagerly, then opened the door. Quick as a flash, Anna hide, leaving a cake cooling on the table. It smelled so good, the prince couldn't help taking a bite. It was deliciously sweet and soft and then his teeth crunched on something hard. "Ouch!" He spat out a tiny gold ring. "It's hers," he realized."It must have fallen off while she was cooking." The ring gave the prince an idea. He galloped back to his castle to make a royal decree. "I'll marry the girl whose finger fits this ring!" Hundreds of girls came to try the ring, from countesses to chambermaids. It didn't fit any of them. Anna stood at the back of the great hall, wrapped in her donkeyskin cloak. "Is there anyone else?" asked the prince eventually. "Just that girl in the shabby cloak," laughed a courtier. "You don't want to marry her!" The prince looked into Anna's eyes."Let her try the ring,"he insisted. The courtier frowned. Anna held out her hand. The ring was a perfect fit. "Will you marry me?" asked the prince. "Yes," said Anna, letting the cloak slip from her shoulders. Everyone gasped. Her dress shone with gold and rubies, filling the hall with golden light. But her golden hair and rosy cheeks shone even brighter. "She's as beautiful as the sun," said the courtiers. The prince smiled at Anna."I knew I'd find you," he whispered happily. The wedding was held a few days later. The prince invited royal guests from around the world. Anna invited the kind farmer and his wife. Anna told their guests her whole story. "But now I'll never run away again!" she finished, gazing joyfully at her prince.