Usborne Yong Reading: Chicken Licken

Usborne Yong Reading: Chicken Licken

2017-08-14    06'47''

主播:  斯布格拉底

47 0

This story is about Chicken Licken, Henny Penny, Cocky Locky, Ducky Lucky, Goosey Loosey, Turkey Lurkey and Foxy Loxy. This is where they live. Once upon a time, there was a farm. Most of the animals on the farm were happy. But Chicken Licken wasn't happy. Chicken Licken was scared of everything. One day, Chicken Licken went to the woods. "I need a safe place to sit." He stopped by an oak tree. Suddenly, a tiny acorn dropped from the tree and hit Chicken Lickem's head. "Ouch!" Chicken Licken didn't see the corn. "What was that?" He looked up at the blue sky. "Oh no!" he said."The sky must be falling." Chicken Licken ran around the tree. "The sky is falling! The sky is falling!" he cried. "I must tell the king," thought Chicken Licken. He rushed back to the farmyard. Henny Penny was sitting by the gen house. "Out of my way!" yelled Chicken Licken. "What's the matter?"asked Henny Penny. "The sky is falling!"cried Chicken Licken. "Oh no!"said Henny Penny."What shall we do?" "I'm going to warn the king,"said Chicken Licken. "I'll come too,"said Henny Penny. They ran past the hen house and...Thump! They bumped into Cocky Locky. "What's the matter?"asked Cocky Locky. "The sky is falling!"cried Chicken Licken. "Oh no!"said Cocky Locky. "What shall we do?" "We're going to tell the king,"said Henny Penny. "I'll come too,"said Cocky Locky. They ran out of the farmyard. They ran past the duck pond. Duck Lucky was swimming. "What's the matter?"he asked.The sky is falling!"cried Chicken Licken. "Oh no!"said Ducky Lucky. "What shall we do?" "We're going to tell the king,"said Cocky Locky. "I'll come too,"said Ducky Lucky. They ran across the bridge. They came to the old barn. Goose Loosey was sitting on her nest. "What's the matter?"she asked. "The sky is falling!"cried Chicken Licken. "Oh no!"said Goosey Loosey. "What shall we do?" "We're going to tell the king,"said Ducky Lucky. "I'll come too,"said Goosey Loosey. They ran past the barn. They ran into the field. Turkey Lurkey was pecking at the ground. "What's the matter?"she asked. "The sky is falling!"cried Cjicken Lucien. "Oh no!"said Turkey Lurkey. "What shall we do?" "We're going to tell the king,"said Goosey Loosey. "I'll come with you,"said Turkey Lurkey. Thy ran through the field. Soon, they came to the forest-and Foxy Loxy. "What's the matter?"he asked. "The sky is falling!"cried Chicken Licken. Foxy Locky didn't think the sky was falling. But he didn't say. "We're going to tell the king,"said Turkey Lurkey. "I know a shortcut,"said Focy Locky. He led them into the forest and pointed to a hole."Down here,"he said. They all went down the hole. "Is this where the king lives?" asked Henny Penny. "No,"said Foxy Loxy."It's where I live. And it's where I'm going to hobble you all up!" "Who will tell the king the sky is falling?" cried Chicken Livken. "Stupid bird,"said Foxy Loxy."The sky can't fall." Just then, an acorn hit Foxy Loxy on the head. Foxy Loxy didn't see it. All he could see was sky. "The sky is falling!" Now he was scared. He ran down the tunnel and was never seen again. "Out of my way!" The others had seen the acorn fall on Foxy Loxy. Everyone looked at Chicken Livken. "Are you sure the sky fell on your head?" they said. "Maybe it was an acorn,"said Chicken Licken. And they chased him all the way home.