Usborne Yong Reading: The Mouse's Wedding

Usborne Yong Reading: The Mouse's Wedding

2017-08-16    07'22''

主播:  斯布格拉底

67 2

This story is about Father Mouse, Mother Mouse, Miss Mouse, the sun, the wind, a cloud, a wall and a handsome young mouse. Once there was a family of mice- Father Mouse, Mother Mouse and little Miss Mouse. And then one day Miss Mouse wasn't so little anymore. "Goodness me!" said Father Mouse. "It's time you got married." "Pack you bag," he said. "We're going on a journey. We must find you the best, most powerful handsome on the world!" "Who could that be?" asked Miss Mouse. Father Mouse thought for a moment."The sun!" he said. "He makes our days bright and warm, and helps the flowers grow. Let's ask him." The family climbed a high mountain. "Are we nearly there yet?" They waited until evening, when the sun was low in the sky. "Oh Mr.Sun,"said Father Mouse."Ypu are more powerful than anyone else in the world,aren't you?" "Powerful? Me?" said the sun."Oh no, I don't think so. Look at that cloud,"said the sun."He can cover my face, and block all my light and warmth. There's nothing I can do." "Well, then, we must talk to the cloud,"said Father Mouse. The Mouse family went a little way down the mountain and slept until morning. When they woke up, there was the cloud resting on the mountain top. "Oh Mr.Cloud,"said Father Mouse."You are more powerful than anyone else in the world, aren't you?" "Powerful? Me?" said the cloud."Oh no, I don't think so. Wait until the wind blows,"said the clod. "He can push me around, this way and that way. There's nothing I can do." "Well, then, we must talk to the wind,"said Father Mouse. Mother Mouse gave everyone some crumbs for breakfast,and the mice waited. The wind soon rise and blew the cloud away. "Oh Mr. Wind,"said Father Mouse."You are more powerful than anyone else in the world,aren't you?" "Powerful? Me?"said the wind."Oh no, I don't think so. Up here I can blow where I like,"said the wind."But when I meet a wall, there's nothing I can do." "Well, then, we must talk to a wall,"said Father Mouse. The Mouse family set off down the mountain. After a while, they came to a high wall. "Oh Mr. Wall,"said Father Mouse."You are more powerful than anyone else in the world, aren't you?" "Powerful? Me?"said the wall."Oh no, I don't think so. I may look strong and tall,"said the wall,"but I can feel a little Mouse, nibbling me to dust. There's nothing I can do." "Well, then, we must talk to the Mouse,"said Father Mouse. "Oh yes, please talk to the Mouse,"said Miss Mouse. They made their way along the wall. There was a Mouse joke and a handsome young Mouse. Miss Mouse smiled at him. " Oh Mr. Mouse,"said Father Mouse."You are more powerful than anyone else in the world, aren't you?" "Well..."the Mouse began. "You're more powerful than the wall,"said Miss Mouse quickly. "...who is more powerful than the wind,"added Mother Mouse. "...who is more powerful than the cloud,"said Father Mouse. "...who is more powerful than the sun!"finished Miss Mouse. "Oh,"said the handsome young Mouse."Then I suppose I am." "In that case,"said Father Mouse,"will you marry my daughter?" "I'd love to!"said the handsome young mouse. So the mice were married next to the wall. The sun and the cloud and the wind all came to the wedding....But not all at once.