Usborne Young Reading: The Leopard and the Sky God

Usborne Young Reading: The Leopard and the Sky God

2017-08-26    06'30''

主播:  斯布格拉底

84 1

This story is about the Sky God, the leopard, his drum, the python, the elephant and the tortoise. Long ago, when the world was new, the animals lived in the forest. High up above lived the Sky God. One day, the Sky God heard a wonderful sound. He leaned down and looked through the trees. "What's that?" There was the leopard playing a great big drum. He played high and low. He played soft and loins! "Hello, Leopard,"said the Sky God. "That's a fine drum. May I try it?" "It's mine! Sorry,"said the leopard. He shook his head. "It's new!" "I'll be very careful,"said the Sky God. "No,"said the leopard. The Sky Hid waited. "I'll borrow it when he goes hunting." But the leopard kept his eyes on the drum the whole time. The Sky God walked away."What's the matter?"asked the other animals. "Leopard won't let me play his drum." "I wish I had that drum,"the Dky God said."I'll talk to Leopard,"said the python. He found the Leopard, playing his drum as usual. "Hello, Leopard." "What do you want?" growled the leopard. "May I look at your drum?"asked the python. "No!"roared the leopard, and he showed his long teeth and his sharp claws. The python skittered away quickly. "Well?"said the Sky God. "Sorry,"said the python. "It's too dangerous." "I'm not scared,"said the elephant."I'll talk to him." He soon heard the drum. Where was the leopard? The elephant looked around. There he was up in a tree. "May I look at your drum?"asked the elephant. "Leave me alone!"roared the leopard. The elephant shook and shook the tree but he couldn't shake the leopard out. "Well?"said the Sky Hid. "Sorry,"said the elephant. "It's too difficult." "Let me try,"said the tortoise. Now in those days the tortoise had no shell, only a little soft body. "You?" The other animals laughed. "You'll never do it." But the tortoise said,"wait and see." She found the leopard in his tree. "Mr. leopard! Mr. Leopard! Have you seen the Sly Gid's drum?"she asked. "Whose drum?" "The Sky God doesn't have a drum,"said the leopard. "Oh yes he does." "I don't believe you!" "It's enormous,"said the tortoise."He can climb inside it." The leopard climbed down from the tree. He rolled the drum along the ground and crawled inside."Lime this?" "Right inside,"said the tortoise. Then she looked around and spotted the leopard 's cooking pot. Quickly, she clapped the lid over the end of the drum. Then she rolled it along to the Sky God. "I feel sick! I don't want it any more. You can have it." The Dky God was very pleased. "Thank you!" Then the tortoise said,"Sky God, can you do something for me?" She looked at the drum."I would like a shell on my body so that nothing can hurt me." "Yes, of course,"said the Sky God. The Sky God loved his drum. And, when the weather is stormy, you can still hear him playing high and low, playing soft and loud!