

2020-01-26    01'18''

主播: 小卡英语课堂

150 1

Hello大家好,欢迎大家收听阿卡索少儿英语电台,我是生活英语的lulu老师。今天是大年初二,除了大家伙持续地相互拜年,还有什么其他特别的习俗呢?我们一起来看看吧。 在年初二这一天,有出嫁的女儿回娘家的习惯,在英语中表达作 visit the parental home 大年初二开始,出嫁的女儿开始带着女婿还有孩子回娘家拜年。 From the second day of the lunar new year, married daughters will bring their husband and children back to her mother's home to celebrate the new year. 在句子中,Lunar new year的意思是,农历新年。Lunar,脱离语境,还有月亮,月球的意思。 我们一起来复习一下吧 From the second day of the lunar new year, married daughters will bring their husband and children back to her mother's home to celebrate the new year. 大年初二开始,出嫁的女儿开始带着女婿还有孩子回娘家拜年。