

2020-02-04    05'00''

主播: 小卡英语课堂

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Hello大家好,欢迎大家来到阿卡索少儿英语电台,我是英语启蒙的lulu老师。在上期节目中,我们一起听了下金蛋的鹅的故事,知道了做人做事不能过于贪婪,学习也是一样。在今天这期节目中,lulu老师想和大家一起来听听狐狸与狼的故事,我们一起来看看吧。 The Wolf and the Fox A long time ago, a wolf and a fox lived together. However, because the wolf was stronger, the fox always did as the wolf commanded. The fox always wished to be free of the wolf. 很久很久以前,一只狼和一只狐狸生活在一起。然而,狼很强壮,狐狸不得不服从他的命令。狐狸梦想着有一天能够脱离狼的身边,获得自由。 Then one day, the wolf went to the farmhouse to eat some pancakes. The next day, the wolf wanted to eat the pancakes again. So, he once again went alone. 有一天,狼溜到农家院去吃了薄饼。第二天,狼又想吃薄饼了,于是,他又一次独身前往农家院。 When the farmer heard the rustling sound, the farmer came and began hitting the wolf. The wolf came back limping and started venting out his anger to the fox. “It’s all because of you. Because of you my leg is broken.” The fox wanted to say otherwise but, kept to himself. 农民听到了窸窸窣窣的声音,发现是一只狼,于是走过来狠狠地打了那只狼。狼一瘸一拐地逃了回来,开始拿狐狸撒气。“都是因为你,我的腿才被打断了!”狐狸想为自己辩解,但还是忍住了。 The next day the fox and the wolf went to the farmhouse. They ate beef at the butcher shop. The wolf ate greedily but the fox ate little by little, walking back and forth by an escape hole. With a rustling sound the owner came back. Just then the fox escaped quickly through the hole. 第二天,狐狸和狼一起去了农家院。他们在一间肉铺里偷吃牛肉。狼大口大口地吞肉,而狐狸却一小口一小口地吃着,并在逃生洞里来回走动。门外传来一阵响声,主人回来了。就在这时,狐狸迅速顺着洞口逃走了。 But unfortunately, the wolf ate so much that he became too fat to fit through the hole. “Fox, help me please.” However, the fox did not help and ran away alone into the forest. Eventually, the wolf died from getting hit by the farmer. When the fox found out that the bad wolf was gone, he gloated and went into the forest. 但不幸的是,狼由于吃得太多,身体胖得没有办法通过逃生洞。“狐狸,救救我。”狼喊道,然而,狐狸根本没有理他,独自跑回到森林里去了。最终,狼被农民打死了。当狐狸发现狼已经死了的时候,露出了狡猾的笑容,他终于摆脱了狼,可以在森林里自由自在地生活了。 otherwise['ʌðɚwaɪz]:否则,不然 kept to himself :藏在自己心里 beef[bif]:牛肉 butcher[ˈbʊtʃər]:屠夫 escape[ɪˈskep]:逃脱 fortune['fɔrtʃən]:财富;运气 fortunate['fɔrtʃənət]:幸运的 unfortunate[ʌn'fɔrtʃənət]:不幸的 gloat[ɡlot]:幸灾乐祸;贪婪的盯视 在《狐狸与狼》故事中的狼,因为不能承担自己所做的事情后果,反而将责任推到同伴的身上,最终自食其果。这个故事告诉我们,与朋友合作的时候,要承担好自己的责任,而不是相互推让,这样才能得到一个完美的结局。好了,以上就是今天的节目内容了,更多精彩内容,欢迎关注我们的电台哦,我们下期再见。