

2020-02-10    03'11''

主播: 小卡英语课堂

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WX :Akslyl hello大家好,欢迎大家来到阿卡索少儿英语频道,这里是英语启蒙,我是你们的lulu老师。新年新气象,虽然问候来迟了一些,但是还是在这里祝大家新年好啦。特别提醒各位小朋友的是,特殊时期,要乖乖宅在家里,和luul老师一起听故事哦。今天lulu老师和大家一起来听一个经典的寓言故事,《铁匠与小狗》。 The Brazier and His Dog Brazier had a little Dog, which was a great favorite with his master, and his constant companion. While he hammered away at his metals the Dog slept; but when, on the other hand, he went to dinner and began to eat, the Dog woke up and wagged his tail, as if he would ask for a share of his meal. 铁匠家有一条狗,他打铁时,狗就睡觉,吃饭时狗便立刻跑到铁匠的身旁摇头摆尾,讨好主人,乞求主人也给自己一些饭吃。 His master one day, pretending to be angry and shaking his stick at him, said, "You wretched little sluggard! what shall I do to you? While I am hammering on the anvil, you sleep on the mat; and when I begin to eat after my toil, you wake up and wag your tail for food. 铁匠扔给狗一块骨头,并假装生气地说道:“你这伙,总是贪睡。为甚么那沉重的打铁声丝毫没影响你的睡眠,而我吃饭你却摇头摆尾的想要一些吃的?“ ‘Do you not know that labor is the source of every blessing, and that none but those who work are entitled to eat?' “你不知道劳动是一切成果的源头,除了劳动的人之外,其他人没有资格吃东西吗?“ 在今天的故事中,lulu老师想和大家一起来复习几个单词 Brazier 铁匠 constant 连续的,不断的 companion 同伴 hammered 敲打,捶打 wag 摇动(尾巴) pretend 假装 wretched 可怜的 sluggard 懒散的(人) anvil 铁砧 mat 小毯子 《铁匠与小狗》这个故事告诉我们,每一分的成果都必须由自己亲手劳动获取。不劳而获的人,或是像铁匠与小狗中的小狗一样,受到主人的一番责难,或是来自其他方面更大的困境。好啦,以上就是今天的节目内容啦,更多精彩内容,欢迎关注我们的电台哦,我们下周再见啦,see u next week~