

2020-02-20    05'30''

主播: 小卡英语课堂

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hello大家好,欢迎大家来到阿卡索少儿英语频道,这里是星座英语,我是你们的占星师lulu。十二个星座各有各不同的性格,火象冲动,土象踏实。一边听星座故事,一边学英语,接下来就让我们从一年当中的第一个星座水瓶座开始,一起看看听听水瓶有怎样的性格吧。 The first sign of the year is Aquarius. People born from January 20 to February 18 belong to Aquarius. The predecessor of Aquarius was one of Zeus's favorite lovely person. Because of his innocent death in vain, Zeus sadly sealed his soul in the sky for commemoration, so he came to Aquarius. 在一年当中的第一个星座,名字叫做水瓶座。从1月20日到2月18日出生的人,都属于水瓶座。水瓶座的前身是宙斯最爱的一个可爱的少年,因为无辜枉死,被伤心的宙斯将魂魄封印于天上用于纪念,由此而来水瓶座。 As the borning in winter , Aquarius, generally speaking, their heart is as cold as the winter, is a mystic. Rich in research spirit, like all new and fresh things, willing to accept new discoveries. The ability to observe and build theories often leads to philosophers, scientists or researchers of human behavior 出生在冬天水瓶座的人,一般来说,内心像寒冬一样冰冷,是神秘主义者。富于研究精神,喜爱一切新奇、新鲜的事物,乐于接受新的发现。具有好的观察能力及建立理论的能力,常常造成哲学家、科学家或成为一位人类行为研究者 Aquarius people, do not want to accept the slightest emotional constraints. You are sometimes whimsical, humorous, sometimes cold and inexplicable. This is often a difficult person to get along with. Excellent reasoning and knowledge seeking spirit, objective, calm, good at thinking, scientific, logical and conceptual, strong values. It's an elusive constellation that is loyal to its own beliefs. 水瓶座的人,不愿意接受情感上的丝毫束缚。你时而异想天开,幽默过人,时而又冷若冰霜,令人费解,这常常是一个不易相处的人。有优秀的推理力和求知精神,客观、冷静,善于思考,讲求科学、逻辑和概念,价值观很强。是一个只忠于自己的信念,又令人难以捉摸的星座。 If you fall in love with a male Aquarius, you need to be more explicit, "changeable" and "emotional" can be a way for you to attract him. I have said that Aquarius likes to explore the truth. The more strange you are, the more he wants to know who you are. Many Aquarius people like to understand other people's inner world, and then help others to solve the confusion of life. It's his pleasure to be a counsellor for others. 如果你爱上了一个男性的水瓶座, “情绪化”和“多变的”可以成为你吸引他的一种方式,我说过水瓶座是喜欢探究真理的,你愈奇怪,他愈想要弄清楚你是什么样的人。很多水瓶座的人都喜欢了解别人的内心世界,进而帮助别人解决人生的困惑。做别人的心理医师是他的乐趣。 If she was a female, She may have a pure heart, pursue the fantasy love, or become completely indifferent and merciless. As long as you let her see hope and happiness, she will not give you up in a short time, support you or tolerate you, but if you bring her disappointment and distrust, she will immediately give you up, and pursue the true happiness in her heart. 如果她是个女人,她可能有一颗纯洁的心、追求幻想中的爱情,也可能变得完全冷漠无情,只要你让她看到希望和快乐,她都不会在短暂的时间放弃你,支持你或包容你,可是你带给她的是失望和不信任,她会立马放弃你,并且去追求自己心里真的的幸福。 关于水瓶座的几个特质的英文描述,水瓶座的你可要记住哦 Aquarius 水瓶座 mystic 神秘的 researcher研究者 objective 客观的 scientific 科学的 logical 逻辑的 strong values 价值观强的 以上就是今天关于水瓶座性格的介绍了,你是水瓶座的朋友吗?你在生活中有些什么样的烦恼或是乐趣呢?欢迎留言告诉我哦,下期节目,我们来一起听听敏感而情绪多变的双鱼座拥有怎样的烦恼和乐趣,我们下期再见啦,拜拜。