Good morning ladies and gentleman,欢迎来到lulu有魔力的水晶球世界,占星师lulu又来为大家进行星运剧透了。星运颇具时效性,每一周都有变化,想要了解星运最新情况的朋友,欢迎给lulu留言哦。接下来我们进入今天的正题,来看看本周巨蟹座,会有什么样的新情况。
1. 巨蟹座是一个深藏不露的星座,生活中很低调,天生第六感强,陌生人会让巨蟹座感到些许不适应,并有难以改善的疏离感。
Cancer is a hidden constellation, very understated in life, born with a strong sixth sense, strangers will make cancer feel a little bit uncomfortable, and have a sense of alienation that is difficult to improve.
2. 在骄阳似火的夏天出生的巨蟹座拥有绝对的家庭意识和丰富的想象力与创造力
Born in the scorching summer, cancer has an absolute sense of family and rich in imagination and creativity
3. 巨蟹座潜在极大才能,其中心理学和前沿学科方面的能力会比较突出。思维直接受到直觉和幻想的奇妙支配。欢乐感和忧虑感都十分强烈
Cancer has great potential talents, especially in psychology and frontier disciplines. Thinking is directly governed by the wonders of intuition and fantasy. The sense of joy and anxiety are both vert strong inside their heart.
4. 巨蟹座最需要的是理解与鼓励,因为你的情绪容易受周围人影响。
What Cancer need most is understanding and encouragement, because their emotions are easily influenced by people around them.