

2020-04-02    03'56''

主播: 小卡英语课堂

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晚上好先生女士们,很开心又和大家一起云游中国,我们阿卡索旅行团又要开团出发了,我是大家的导游lulu。在上次出游和上上次出游当中,我们的风景都是大同小异的高原风景,蓝天白云。不过大家可知道,大西北可不只有蓝天湖泊,还要热情似火的新疆。今天呐,lulu就和大家一起开团去新疆咯,出发吧。 From the perspective of play, Xinjiang is divided into southern and Northern Xinjiang. If you prefer scenery, then Northern Xinjiang will be your best choice, or you prefer customs, then you’d better choose Southern Xinjiang. Southern Xinjiang, which means desert and Gobi, is also a place where all ethnic groups live together. 从玩乐的角度来说,新疆分为南疆和北疆。人们常说,“北疆看风景,南疆看风情”。南疆,意味着沙漠和戈壁,也是一个都民族聚居的地方,汉族,维吾尔族,塔吉克族,柯尔克孜族在这里构成极具特色的人文景观。 In southern Xinjiang, there are many craftsmen who have passed on from generation to generation. The most famous one is pottery. Ceramic art has a history of thousands of years in southern Xinjiang. Generally speaking, it's passed on from father to son. Besides, there are many hundred-year-old teahouses in southern Xinjiang. You can order a pot of tea, a bag and listen to the old people singing the folk songs in southern Xinjiang, and spend an afternoon leisurely. 在南疆,有许多手艺人,他们世代传承,其中最出名的就是陶艺。陶艺在南疆已经有了上千年的历史,一般都是父传子,子再传孙除此外,南疆还有许多百年老茶馆,点一壶茶,一个囊,听着南疆的老人唱着南疆的民谣,就能悠闲的度过一个下午。 Northern Xinjiang means mountains and grasslands. Many beautiful sceneries of Xinjiang are shot in Northern Xinjiang. If you come to northern Xinjiang in March, you can see that the ginkgo flowers in Ili are blooming brilliantly. The truth is, whenever you come, There will be beautiful sceneries in the north of Xinjiang. 北疆,意味着高山和草原,许多新疆秀丽的景色都是在北疆拍摄的。如果游客们3月份来北疆,可以看到伊犁的银杏花正开的绚烂……无论是游客们哪个季节来到北疆,北疆都有足够让人流连的美景在等待着。 新疆的美食美景众多,这几个单词,不如我们一起吃下肚吧: Desert 沙漠 Gobi 戈壁 Craftsmen 手艺人 Pottery 陶艺 ginkgo flowers 银杏花 大西北是中国的景色当中的一颗明珠。如果喜欢自然风光,又没有计划出国游玩的团友,一定要去中国的西北地区逛一逛,会有让人意向不到的收获。好啦,新疆我们就玩到这里,不知道在座的有没有去过新疆的朋友呢,愿不愿意和lulu分享你的故事呢?期待大家的留言,我们下期再见,拜拜~