拉金《家》:家是悲哀的 Home - Philip Larkin

拉金《家》:家是悲哀的 Home - Philip Larkin

2015-07-18    00'42''

主播: 雪梨读诗by哈佛雪梨

5331 501

Home Philip Larkin Home is so sad. It stays as it was left, Shaped in the comfort of the last to go As if to win them back. Instead, bereft Of anyone to please, it withers so, Having no heart to put aside the theft. And turn again to what it started as, A joyous shot at how things ought to be, Long fallen wide. You can see how it was: Look at the pictures and the cutlery. The music in the piano stool. That vase. 家 拉金 (王佐良 译) 家是悲哀的。它没有改变, 还为最后离开的人保持了舒适, 似乎在想他回来。长时间 它没有一个人可以讨好,很泄气, 没有勇气去丢掉偷学来的体面 而回到当初开始时的决心: 痛痛快快,来一个归真返朴, 当然早已放弃。你了解这类事情。 瞧瞧这些画,这些银刀叉, 这钢琴凳上的乐谱。还有,那花瓶。 [雪梨有话说] 菲利普·拉金(1922-1985),英国诗人。拉金成名于“福利国家”时期(二战后),他的同伴是一些对政治有幻灭感的“愤怒的年青人”。他以哈代为师,从写实入手,用一种硬朗的机智建立了新的诗风。