费兹《你到来之前》:你来之后,世界如我的心般鲜红 Before you came

费兹《你到来之前》:你来之后,世界如我的心般鲜红 Before you came

2021-03-16    02'05''

主播: 雪梨读诗by哈佛雪梨

1583 28

朗读:雪梨 搜索公众号「饿梨英语」,收听更多内容 BGM: The Rain - 久石让 这是一首我觉得很美的情诗,送给你们。 Before You Came 你到来之前 Faiz Ahmed Faiz 费兹·艾赫迈德·费兹 Before you came, 你到来之前, things were as they should be: 世界是它该有的模样: the sky was the dead-end of sight, 天空只是视线的尽头 the road was just a road, wine merely wine. 路只是一条路 酒只是一杯酒 Now everything is like my heart, 现在一切如同我的心 a color at the edge of blood: 血液边缘的颜色: the grey of your absence, the color of poison, of thorns, 你缺席的灰色,毒药的颜色,还有荆棘, the gold when we meet, the season ablaze, 我们见面时的金色,燃烧的季节, the yellow of autumn, the red of flowers, of flames, 秋天的黄,花朵的红,还有火焰 and the black when you cover the earth 还有黑色,当你用燃尽的煤 with the coal of dead fires. 覆盖大地 And the sky, the road, the glass of wine? 天空,路,和那杯酒呢? The sky is a shirt wet with tears, 天空是泪水濡湿的一件衬衫 the road a vein about to break, 路是行将破裂的血管 and the glass of wine a mirror in which 酒是一面镜子 the sky, the road, the world keep changing. 映照着天空,路和整个世界不停变幻 Don&`&t leave now that you&`&re here— 你既来了,就请别走 Stay. So the world may become like itself again: 留下把。让世界变回它本来的模样: so the sky may be the sky, 天空变回天空, the road a road, 路变回路, and the glass of wine not a mirror, just a glass of wine. 那杯酒不再是镜子,而只是一杯酒。