[The Art of Photography] Richard Pousette-Dart and Saul Leiter vol.3

[The Art of Photography] Richard Pousette-Dart and Saul Leiter vol.3

2016-11-12    17'32''

主播: Sahara🌸

1516 5

Remember subscribe my channel here and Wechat "photocreativestudios", this is my brand new portfolio about photography completely in English version. Anyway thanks listening and sharing! All things about professional photography you may need just right here at Zeyu Photo Vision. Richard Pousette-Dart was an American artist who worked in different mediums including painting, sculpture and photography. He was part of the New York school of Abstract Expressionism the late 1940’s. Saul Leiter became close friends with Richard and his wife Evelyn and they became very close on a personal and artistic level. As Saul was initially a painter with an interest in photography, Pousette-Dart offered to lend Saul a Leica which he accepted. It was through the encouragement of Richard and W. Eugene Smith that Saul went on to develop his talents as a photographer.