有何不可(English  Ver . )感覺~甜甜的

有何不可(English Ver . )感覺~甜甜的

2016-07-26    04'00''

主播: Perdre son

1316 22

KB & A路人 Hey,hey my girl,listen to me. 嘿,嘿,我的女孩,请听我说几句, May I be your close friend? 我能否成为你亲密的伙伴? Without hesitation , just tell me, 不要顾虑,只要给我回应, I just wanna see and wanna hear, 我只是想看到与听到你的答案, Play the guitar wanna wait and see, 边谈吉他边张望着等你到来, I wish I can win Your smile and your heart, 希望能够获得你的芳心与笑颜, Sing the same song togehter under the linder tree, 与你在椴树下唱着同一首歌, I look into your eyes, 我沉醉在你的眼睛里, Those lollipops are so sweet, 如棒棒糖一般甜蜜, Two dimples are so charming, 一对酒窝如此地迷人, Lovely girl, my heart beats, 可爱得让我心动不已, Like an innocent angel from the heaven, 如同纯洁的天使从天堂降临, Sprinkle the sunshine right on me, 带着阳光落入我的心里, Somethings are truly meant to be, 我的人生从此找到了意义, Give me your phone number, 请把你的电话告诉我, Just drop me a small cute hint, 只要一个小小的暗示, I practice it day and night, 日夜在心中演习的我, Ring you some day , say my love, 便会在某日打通电话向你告白, And if you love me , don’t stop to think, 如果你也爱我,别想太多, Follow this pace, just sing as I sing, 跟着我的节奏,唱这首歌, Music says what I wanna say, 音乐传递了所有不必我再多说, So many years ago , 从很久以前开始, The fairy tales are old, 童话失去了新意, The Legends changed a lot, 传奇也日渐模糊, But those true loves still glow, 但是真爱依然热烈, With our hearts and soul, 伴着我们的灵魂与心意, Let our love to make a whole new world, 让我们的爱开创一个新的世纪, We can paint a rainbow as we all grow, 即使我们长大了也可以在彩虹上挥笔, So many years ago , 从很久以前开始, The fairy tales are old, 童话失去了新意, The Legends changed a lot, 传奇也日渐模糊, But those true loves still glow, 但是真爱依然热烈, With our hearts and soul, 伴着我们的灵魂与心意, Let our love to make a whole new world, 让我们的爱开创一个新的世纪, We can paint a rainbow as we all grow, 即使我们长大了也可以在彩虹上挥笔, Love is my only word, 爱是我唯一的表达, I look into your eyes, 我沉醉在你的眼睛里, Those lollipops are so sweet, 如棒棒糖一般甜蜜, Two dimples are so charming, 一对酒窝如此地迷人, Lovely girl, my heart beats, 可爱得让我心动不已, Like an innocent angel from the heaven, 如同纯洁的天使从天堂降临, Sprinkle the sunshine right on me, 带着阳光落入我的心里, Somethings are truly meant to be,我的人生从此找到了意义, Give me your phone number, 请把你的电话告诉我, Just drop me a small cute hint, 只要一个小小的暗示, I practice it day and night, 日夜在心中演习的我, Ring you some day , say my love, 便会在某日打通电话向你告白, And if you love me , don’t stop to think, 如果你也爱我,别想太多, Follow this pace, just sing as I sing, 跟着我的节奏,唱这首歌, Music says what I wanna say, 音乐传递了所有不必我再多说, So many years ago , 从很久以前开始, The fairy tales are old, 童话失去了新意, The Legends changed a lot, 传奇也日渐模糊, But those true loves still glow, 但是真爱依然热烈, With our hearts and soul, 伴着我们的灵魂与心意, Let our love to make a whole new world, 让我们的爱开创一个新的世纪, We can paint a rainbow as we all grow, 即使我们长大了也可以在彩虹上挥笔, So many years ago , 从很久以前开始, The fairy tales are old, 童话失去了新意, The Legends changed a lot, 传奇也日渐模糊, But those true loves still glow, 但是真爱依然热烈, With our hearts and soul, 伴着我们的灵魂与心意, Let our love to make a whole new world, 让我们的爱开创一个新的世纪, We can paint a rainbow as we all grow, 即使我们长大了也可以在彩虹上挥笔, DA DA DA DA DA DA```, 哒~哒~哒~哒~哒~哒~~, With our hearts and soul, 伴着我们的灵魂与心意, Let our love to make a whole new world, 让我们的爱开创一个新的世纪, We can paint a rainbow as we all grow, 即使我们长大了也可以在彩虹上挥笔, So many years ago , 从很久以前开始, The fairy tales are old, 童话失去了新意, The Legends changed a lot, 传奇也日渐模糊, But those true loves still glow, 但是真爱依然热烈, With our hearts and soul, 伴着我们的灵魂与心意, Let our love to make a whole new world, 让我们的爱开创一个新的世纪, We can paint a rainbow as we all grow, 即使我们长大了也可以在彩虹上挥笔, Love is my only word, 爱是我,唯一的表达。
上一期: you don't know me
下一期: 再见从前BYE