2017-05-29    03'00''

主播: Perdre son

1434 21

I've been walking a thousand miles 我曾跋涉万水千山 To many places 遍访每寸大地 And I know there's a reason why 心中明了 走遍千里总有缘由 Whatever I do 无论所做为何 And the day that I met you 直至与你相见的那天 I would always find the way to make it right 我会千方百计将一切向好的局面扭转 Anyplace anywhere anytime 无论在何处 何地 何时 Everyday is a winding road 每天的路程都是蜿蜒盘旋 You gotta ride it 你还是得去征服 'Cause I know that I can't be wrong 我坚信我不会犯错 Whatever I do 无论所做是何 And as long as you're with me 只要有你相伴就好 We would always find the strength to carry on 我们相互支撑 总能获得力量奋力前进 Anyplace anywhere anytime 无论在何处 何地 何时 And these are the days of our life's 所有的时光 都会在我们的生命中流淌 And these are the days of the days 所有的日子 都属于你生命的部分 Of your L.I.F.E. 不论苦甜 Of your L.I.F.E. 不论悲喜 It's how we learn and it's how we grow 这便是我们不断学习与成长的过程 I gotta be patient 我必须要有耐心 All it takes is to let it go 生命不过是来去得失循环 I need to know 我要知道 Even if the lights go out 纵然光明褪灭 Will you ever be the one who stay right by my side 你会是那个与我并肩面对的人吗 Anyplace anywhere anytime 无论在何处 何地 何时 And these are the days of our life's 所有的时光 都会在我们的生命中流淌 And these are the days of the days 所有的日子 都属于你生命的部分 Of your L.I.F.E. 不论苦甜 Of your L.I.F.E. 不论悲喜 We would always find the strength to carry on 我们相互支撑 总能获得力量奋力前进 Anyplace anywhere anytime 无论在何处 何地 何时 And these are the days of our life's 所有的时光 都会在我们的生命中流淌 Of your L.I.F.E. 不论苦甜 Of your L.I.F.E. 不论悲喜 Of your L.I.F.E. 不论悲苦 Of your L.I.F.E. 或是喜甜
上一期: 是个好人
下一期: Sunrise -OUR LAST NIGHT