跟老友记学英语高频单词1000-28 learn-less (adv)

跟老友记学英语高频单词1000-28 learn-less (adv)

2016-09-17    10'16''

主播: jeff天津

25 1

learn v Joey: Yeah? I just figured y’know, after living with you it’d be an interesting change of pace to have a female roommate. Someone I can learn from, someone who’s different than me. And what’s more different than me; a guy who’s not 19 than say a girl who is 19? least determiner pron Joey: Oh, but hey look, at least let us bring the wine. Ross: You got me a cola drink? Chandler: And, a lemon lime (酸橙;青柠). Ross: Well this, this is too much, I feel like I should get you another sweater. Chandler: And last but not least.(Chandler and Joey give Monica a pack of condoms.) left adj [Joey walks out and after a few seconds comes back in and gives Chandler a big hug. He then leaves for good and Chandler is left alone in his apartment.] RACHEL: Ok, Chandler, Mon, there’s only one banana nut muffin left. leg n Rachel: I’ve got one leg shorter than the other. Dr. Green: Oh God! Ross: Argue with that. Rachel: What? It’s true, my right leg is two inches shorter. less adv Phoebe: Okay, how do you feel now? Rachel: Well, I like you less! Rachel: How is your drinking helping the kids? Phoebe: Because the more I drink, the less there is for the kids to drink. Chandler: You can’t wear that! I’m wearing the famous tux! James Bond’s tux! Ross: So? Chandler: So—If you wear that you’ll make mine less special.
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