Christa Wells - This Thing Is Not Going to Break You

Christa Wells - This Thing Is Not Going to Break You

2020-07-07    03'38''

主播: 大角羊~

151 1

This thing is going to try to break you,这困难想要打败你, But it doesn't have to,但它却不一定能旗开得胜, You're showing us how,你用行动诠释了该怎样去面对, This thing is going to bend and shape you,它想塑造打磨出一个更好的你,But He won't let it take you,困难却不会淹没你, You know it somehow,你从心底里相信自己, This thing is not going to break you,这困难不会击败你, You could take your loss,你可能会沉浸于悲戚, You could hide away from us,你也许会躲避疗伤, With your grief lassoed around you,任凭悲伤扼住你的咽喉, But you're laying it in the sun,但你却沐浴在阳光下, And you stare straight into the light,注视着前途的光明, You say you'd rather go blind than look away,你说即便前路充满荆棘也不要逃避. 高考加油冲冲冲!!!
上一期: Winky诗 - 标题
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