邂逅诗歌 | 你听,大自然在说话

邂逅诗歌 | 你听,大自然在说话

2020-03-17    19'18''

主播: Ariana🐰

172 0

Humans are getting stronger, but they seem to be losing their respect for nature, eating wild animals and destroying nature. This outbreak, like a stark warning from nature, has cost us dearly. If nature could speak, what would it say to us? 人类越来越强大,却似乎对大自然越来越失去敬畏心,乱吃野生动物,破坏自然。这次疫情,像是大自然对人类的一次严重警告,让我们付出惨痛的代价。如果大自然会说话,它会对我们说什么呢?