33 既是故事的继续也是新的开始,带您聊聊编年史(番外篇)(6)

33 既是故事的继续也是新的开始,带您聊聊编年史(番外篇)(6)

2017-09-09    88'03''

主播: 夜幕枫明xm

13653 639

战火为何而燃?(To ask why we fight)   秋叶为何而落?(Is to ask why the leaves fall)   天性不可夺,(It is in the nature)   吾辈心中亦有惑。(Perhaps there is a better question)   怒拳为谁握,(Why do we fight)   护国安邦惩奸恶,(To protect home and family)   道法自然除心魔!(To preserve balance and bring harmony)   战无休而祸不息,(For my kind )   吾辈何以为战!(The true question is what is worth fighting for )