Set A L4-B6 Brown Mouse Gets Some Corn

Set A L4-B6 Brown Mouse Gets Some Corn

2017-02-09    01'29''

主播: Lydia English

183 15

Set A L4-B6 Brown Mouse Gets Some Corn Brown Mouse looked out the window. “I can see some corn in the garden,” he said. “I like eating corn,” said White Mouse. “Let’s go and get some!” said Grey Mouse. “But we can’t,” said White Mouse. “The cat is outside. He will get us.” “Look!” said Brown Mouse. “The dog is asleep down here by the window. We can wake him up, and then he will run after the cat. Let’s go!” The little mice climbed out of the window. “Come on,” said Brown Mouse. “Let’s all jump on the dog’s tail!” The little mice jumped up and down on the dog’s tail. The dog woke up. Then the dog saw the cat. “Grrr!” he said, and the cat ran away. The dog ran after it. “Now we can go and get the corn!” said Brown Mouse. The mice ran to the garden and came back with some corn. “We love eating corm,” said the three little mice.