Set B L4-B9 Looking at the Moon
The Moon
The moon is far away.
Some nights, you can see the moon in the sky.
Sometimes, you can see the moon in the sky in the daytime, too.
The moon goes around Earth.
We live on Earth.
There is water and air on Earth.
People and animals and plants need water and air to live.
There is no water or air on the moon.
The Weather
The weather on Earth is not too hot and not too cold.
Sometimes, it is very, very hot on the moon.
Sometimes, it is very, very cold.
No people or animals or plants live on the moon.
There are mountains on the moon.
Some of the mountains are very big.
There are big holes on the moon.
The holes are called craters.
Some of the craters are very deep.
Different Shapes
The moon is round, but it does not always look the same.
Sometimes, you can not see the moon at all.
People on the Moon
People have been to the moon.
People flew to the moon in spaceships.
They had to put on spacesuits to go outside.
The people on the moon could see Earth.
Earth looks blue from the moon.
Look at the Moon
You can look at the moon with your eyes.
Or you can look at it with a telescope.
A telescope makes things that are far away look bigger.
This boy is looking at the moon with a telescope.
crater 火山口
spacesuit 航天服
spaceship 宇宙飞船