Rosie's Walk 《母鸡萝丝去散步》

Rosie's Walk 《母鸡萝丝去散步》

2020-04-02    01'18''

主播: Coco🍉😋

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Hello,everyone! This is teacher Coco,from Little Harvard Kindergarten, I'm gonna tell you a bedtime story,calledRosie's Walk《母鸡萝丝去散步》By Pat HutchinsRosie the hen went for a walk,母鸡萝丝出去散步了,across the yard,萝丝穿过了院子,around the pond,萝丝绕过了池塘,over the haystack,萝丝越过了干草堆,past the mill,萝丝走过了磨坊,through the fence,萝丝穿过了篱笆,under the beehives,萝丝钻过了蜂房。and got back in time for dinner.最后,萝丝及时地回到家,高兴地去吃晚饭了。OK,let's stop here today.Thank you for your listening.And our school's 2020 Autumn Semester enrollment activity has already started, more discounts are waiting for you,if you need it,please call the hotline below.Thanks again.Good night and sweet dreams.Bye bye.母鸡萝丝为何一路都没发现尾随的狐狸?你知道吗?