

2016-11-30    16'43''

主播: Samson zhang

158 6

《易贝乐塑造宝贝国际化陪学微课堂》(第十四) 实用句型+美文 1. …is a serious decision to make. 。。。。。是个很难做出的/重大的决定 Divorcing her husband at a time like this is a serious decision to make. 在这个时候跟她的丈夫离婚真是个重大的决定。 Changing one’s career in middle age is a serious decision to make. 人到中年再转换职业,这是个很难做出的决定。 2. … is exactly what I need 。。。。。。正式我所需要的。 The book is exactly what I need. 我正需要这本书。 Your precious advice is exactly what I need right now. 我目前最需要的就是您宝贵的意见。 3. … is fine with me. 。。。。。。我都没问题。 Whatever you order is fine with me . 无论你点什么菜我都没问题。 Whatever you’d like to spend the holidays is fine with me. 无论你想在哪里度假我都没问题。 4. Is it all right to…? 。。。。。。行吗? Is it all right to play music late at night? 深夜播放音乐可以吗? Mom, is it all right to come back at ten? 妈妈, 我十点回来可以吗? 5. Is it convenient for you to…? 你是否方便。。。。。。? Is it convenient for you to give her a message? 你是否方便给她带个口信? Is it convenient for you to buy me something to eat?你是否方便帮我买点吃的? 6. Is it so that …? 。。。。。。是真的吗? Is it so that you got an A on your English exam? 你英语考试得了A,是真的吗? Is it so that you will get a raise at work? 你将获得加薪,是真的吗? 7. … is not acceptable 。。。。。。 让人无法接受 This explanation is not acceptable.这种解释让人无法接受。 Your way of doing this is not acceptable. 你处理这件事的方式让人无法接受。 8. … is one thing; … is another. 。。。。。。是一回事,。。。。。。是另一回事 Saying is one thing; doing is another.说是一回事,做事一回事。 To understand a foreign language is one thing, and to speak it is another. 能理解外语是一回事, 能说出来是另一回事。 9. … is really something! 。。。。。。真是了不起 Running your own company at age 20 is really something! 20岁就开办自己的公司,你真是了不起! She is really something to have passed that TOEFL exam in her freshman year. 她大一时候就通过了托福考试,真是了不起。 10. It doesn’t matter if… 如果。。。。。。也没关系 It doesn’t matter if I miss the bus, I can walk.错过公共汽车也没关系,我可以步行。 It doesn’t matter if you really can’t come. 如果你实在来不了,那也没关系。 美文 May you have enough happiness to make you sweet, enough trails to make you strong, enough sorrow to keep you human, enough hope to make you happy. Always keep yourself in other’s shoes. If you feel that it hurts you, it probably hurts the other person, too. 愿你有足够的欢乐,使自己甜蜜;有足够的考验,使自己坚强;有足够的悲伤,使自己富有人情;有足够的希望;使自己幸福。要经常换位思维一件事,要是你感到对自己有伤害,就可能对他人也有伤害。 经典责备句子 1. Behave yourself! 规矩点 2. Don’t try any tricks! 不要耍花招 3. You won’t get away with it! 你逃脱不了的 4. You should hedge your bets. 你得给自己留条后路 5. You are asking for the moon. 你的要求太过分了 6. You naughty boy! 你这个调皮鬼 7. Come on, stop that! 喂,不行 8. You’ll get a spanking if you do that你要那么干,看我不揍你一顿 9. How many times do I have to tell you? 我得告诉你多少次呢? 10. Why do you pick on your brother? 你为什么作弄你弟弟呢? 11. Now look what you’ve done! 瞧你都干了些什么呀 12. There now! Didn’t I tell you? 你看看! 我没有告诉过你吗 13. It’s not nice of you to tell a lie. 说谎可不好 14. I’ll kick your ass. 我踢你