

2017-03-29    03'32''

主播: 海海🍉🎨

362 8

Whether you're trying to lose weight or you want to improve your self-confidence, slow and steady wins the race and expecting immediate results will only lead to disappointment. Even when it feels like you're moving too slow, keep going. As long as you're headed in the right direction, you're making progress. 无论是努力减肥,还是想要提高自信,脚踏实地才是硬道理,期待马上得到结果只会让你失望。即使你觉得进步很慢,别放弃,继续前进。只要你朝着正确的方向前行,你就是在进步~
上一期: 新的我
下一期: 明知故爱