赵又廷 致妻子

赵又廷 致妻子

2017-09-25    04'20''

主播: 为你读诗

12.5万 423

A DEDICATION TO MY WIFE By T.S. Eliot To whom I owe the leaping delight That quickens my senses in our wakingtime And the rhythm that governs the repose of our sleepingtime, the breathing in unison. Of lovers whose bodies smell of each other Who think the same thoughts without need of speech, And babble the same speech without need of meaning. No peevish winter wind shall chill No sullen tropic sun shall wither The roses in the rose-garden which is ours and ours only But this dedication is for others to read: These are private words addressed to you in public. 致妻子 [英] T.S.艾略特 一切只因为是你——我们醒着时 激发我感知的跃动的欢愉, 主宰我们梦中安宁的节奏, 以及和谐的呼吸。 身体气息融洽的爱人们, 无需言语就有相同的念头, 无需示意就吐露相同的话语…… 凛冽的冬风凋零不了 炽热的骄阳枯萎不了 这属于且仅属于我们的玫瑰园中的玫瑰 但这篇献辞是供他人阅读的: 是我公然致你的私语。 倪志娟 译