

2016-06-02    07'08''

主播: 口语黑科技

192 6

背景音乐--电影速度与激情--See you again; Iris的切实感悟哦,我毕业啦啦!今日分享---毕业季有关口语---Graduation--graduate 1.毕业季: Graduation season; 也可以用:Senior year; Senior大四学生;或者高中最后一年的; 高级工程师:Senior Engineer; 2.毕业生--Graduate:可以做动词;名词和形容词哦; Graduate毕业生;或者Graduate student;The graduate都是可以滴; 3.take graduation photos; 拍毕业照,各种special and unique graduation photos;各种毕业照真滴会亮瞎你的哦; 4.毕业典礼: Graduation commencement; Graduation ceremony; Graduation execise; 5.离别聚餐;毕业送别会: Graduation Farewell party; Grafuation Farewell dinner; 6.招聘会: Job Fair; 7.找工作;求职 Job haunting; 7.投简历: Handing resume; Mailing a resume; 当然,申请职位:apply for a position; 8.毕业旅行: Graduation Trip/Travel; 小伙伴们,尤其即将毕业得小伙伴们,Are you ready for your own graduate season? Maybe all of you guys owe a special graduate trip belonging to yourselves! 毕业季,给自己来场属于自己的毕业旅行吧! 喜欢Iris的这期节目,记得让身旁更多小伙伴们知道哦!Enjoy your graduate season!