

2016-06-12    06'31''

主播: 口语黑科技

295 7

今日主题分享--GAOKAO GaoKao is a no ordinary exams for all of the students! no ordinary ;不同寻常的;与众不同的; 1.高考:The National College Entrance Examination(Exams) ; 全国高校招生考试;全国大学入学考试; 2.参加考试--Sit for the examination;坐下考试,很形象哦,当然用participate the exams也是可以滴; 3.高考牵扯的方方面面太多了,高考是一项大工程:so it is not a easy feat; feat;功绩;伟业; 比如:准备高考是一件不容易的事情; To prepare for the entrance exams is not an easy feat! 4.高考伤脑又伤身体: The entrance exams is for your brain cells and hip pocket! 分享地道表达:brain cells脑细胞;hip pocket后背带,后兜; 5.一流大学:Top university,或者first university;比如大家知道滴;Tsinghua university清华大学; 北京大学Peking university; 6.高考状元--Top scorers成绩最好的人们,也就是状元们哦;或者The number one Scholar;the very best都是可以滴哦; Okay,My dear friends,如果您喜欢Iris这期节目,赶快让你身旁更多小伙伴们加入一起吧,now you can enjoy your summer holidays,it is for all of the students graduating from your high schools!