背景音乐Ellie Goulding的How long will I love you
男生或女生表白套路---My love
My love is like an ocean;
It goes down so deep;
My love is like a rose;
whose beauty you want to keep;
My love is like a river;
That will never end;
My love is like a dove;
with a beautiful message to send;
My love is like a song;
It goes on and on forever;
My love is like a prisoner;
It 's to you that I surrender!
小伙伴们,Rocky未来一周会在国外旅行,如果有wifi的话,一定会努力抽出时间分享我在国外的旅行口语经验滴^_^,希望小伙伴们多多关注七嘴八舌口语趴社区,分享快乐,陪伴成长,we are on the way^_^