

2016-10-22    05'13''

主播: 口语黑科技

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神剧---太阳的后裔; 今日分享--周末把妹神技巧啦^_^ I shuttled my eyes in the crowd; 人潮中,我闭上双眼; 口语技巧:shutter美音t习惯发音d;双元音发音可以夸张一点:比如ai;au等; Not knowing when you came along 不知何时,你已慢慢靠近我; 口语技巧:came along习惯连读; I sensed your smell just like in a dream 就像这梦一样,我可以感知到你的气息; 口语技巧:sensed your发音可以tryd和y组合发音为d3;这样更地道的口语哦;比如would you! Where everything just congealed in that instant; 在梦里瞬间仿佛一切都已凝固; 口语分享:congeal凝固;停止;just的t可以略读; instant有st浊化规律sd; It's been written in our destiny 命运让我们相遇(我们的命运已经被记录/书写) 口语技巧:⚠️⚠️written发音tt不发音,跟mountain;button等是一样的,口语有很多憋音不发的t;同时要习惯in our去连读哦; With every sunrise and sunset 在每一个日出和日落的日子; enchased in the depth of our souls; 也将永远隽刻在我们内心深处; 口语技巧:enchase:雕刻:隽刻;of our习惯模仿去连读; We bring joys to your colorful life^_^ 小伙伴们,已经走啦,let 's have a party in shenzhen!Have a nice weekend to all guys^_^