

2016-11-13    03'36''

主播: 口语黑科技

86 1

今日主题分享--秋裤地道俚语表达^_^v^_^ 天气下大雪如何表达: It had been snowed heavily in most of districts in northern cities! 秋裤如何表达: 1.Long Johns ; 口语技巧分享: 1.long的o发音短促有力的啊啊; 2.Johns:o的发音同上a;美音哦; 比如: It is necessary to wear your long Johns(Thermal underwear)in such cold weather! 2.Thermal underwear;秋裤 口语干货分享: 1.thermal :温暖的;er有卷舌哦;元音+ R的规律;th习惯咬舌哦; 2.underwear:内衣裤;也可以指的内衣; 小伙伴们,你的城市变冷了吗?赶快准备好你的秋裤吧^_^ It is time to prepare for your long johns because it is serious chill in northern district^_^ 分享口语: 1.It is连读;long Johns or thermal underwear(保暖长裤) 2.district:区域;district的tr浊化dr; 喜欢Rocky的分享,记得点赞,分享和转发给你身旁的小伙伴们哦! 哈哈,We (卡住啦)can ------//give you more joys to your perfect life^_^