地道俚语--Put your heart at rest,小伙伴们,你get到了吗?

地道俚语--Put your heart at rest,小伙伴们,你get到了吗?

2016-11-19    04'34''

主播: 口语黑科技

290 7

今日地道俚语分享:Heart的两个俚语; 当然Hearting is 何婷;He Ting is hearting,it is a joke! 今日地道俚语的分享--Heart的俚语表达: 1.Lost heart 心灰意冷:失去自信; The most important thing for life is to never lose heart anytime! 人生最重要的事情就是任何时刻都不要对(生活/未来)失去信念(心)! 干货口语: (1)most important 连读:most的t习惯发音d,跟im连读;important的t憋音,千万不要发出t的音哦; (2)important thing中important结尾t略读,th发音习惯咬舌哦; 2.Put someone's heart at rest 让某人放心、安心; 口语分享:put的发音,短元音u; 比如Iris 就会时常宽慰我,让我安心,放心; Rocky,don't worry about the project,I can tackle it and you just need put your heart at rest! 随时拿来鼓励你的小伙伴的句子: Everything will go well sooner or later ,now you just should put your heart at rest! 一切总会好起来的,现在你只需要放宽心就好; Never lose heart to life,because the world is full of sunshine and all sorts of colorful dreams;and sometimes we should put our hearts at rest! 永远不要对生活心灰意冷,有时候我们要放下心来! 小伙伴们,今天的分享你get到了吗?赶快分享和转发你身旁更多小伙伴们吧,never lose heart to life^_^