周末分享--have nothing to do with ^_^

周末分享--have nothing to do with ^_^

2016-11-27    02'32''

主播: 口语黑科技

163 3

今日分享--万能组合have nothing to do with something 1.活力是一种态度,与年龄没有关系! Passion(Vigor) is an attitude ,it has nothing to do with age! 口语干货分享: 1.Is an 连读;passion的a大口的梅花音^_^ 2. It has的has的h可以击穿不发音,it (h)as发音模仿rocky发音技巧; 3.have nothing to do with something 与xx木有毛线关系;口语中to可以尝试去弱化^_^,th一定要习惯咬舌^_^ 4.age年龄这个单词发音:a发音为饱满的双元音ei;ge发音d3:有点蛰和️的发音哦;跟luggage发音是一样的哦^_^ 送给创业者的最励志句子:Success is an attitude,it has nothing to do with age! 成功是一种态度,与年龄无关! 送给女生的万能句子,时常鼓励自己: Beauty is an attitude ,it has nothing to do with age! 美丽是一种态度,与年龄无关! 小伙伴们,任何时刻,保持对人生的一种属于自己态度很重要哦,it is all in it ! WE bring joys to your perfect life^_^赶快加入我们吧,it is an attitude^_^