

2016-12-15    03'58''

主播: 口语黑科技

117 2

今日分享---如何表达身体不适: 1.Rocky嗓子疼的厉害! Rocky Got (had)a bad sore throat! 口语干货: got a 连读会好听; sore throat:嗓子疼:th习惯咬舌哦;区分soar与sore! 2.我发烧严重; I got(had) a bad fever! 3.我头疼/肚子痛/胃痛/牙痛; I got (had)a headache/stomachache/toothache! 干货分享: head+ache头痛; tooth+ache;牙痛; stomach+ache;胃痛;肚子疼; 4.我鼻塞严重; I got a bad runny nose! 其他:I had (got)a bad cough我咳嗽严重! 小伙伴们,最近天气气温变化较大,Please take good care of yourself in such cold weather! WE bring joys to your perfect life^_^