【No.012】名人故事分享汇--David Bowie

【No.012】名人故事分享汇--David Bowie

2016-01-15    11'23''

主播: 口语黑科技

184 6

Background music--Starman,电影Mars Rescue火星救援--/歌手:David Bowie 一、分享小故事: 1、He is one of the most prominent singers,a pioneer of vogue and a good actor in Britain!In a word, he is a legend in his field; 他是英国摇滚界最著名的摇滚歌手之一,他是时尚先锋和好演员!一句话,他是行业内的一个传奇! 2、He created his own time because his personal character had totally merged into his music, it is perfect in his performance,such as his born sexy,coquettish, radical and exaggerated actions in his Live concert! 他开创了属于自己的时代,他的个性已融入他的音乐:与生俱来的性感、妖艳、激进和夸张的表演,在他的现场演唱会表现的淋漓尽致! 二、炫酷采访故事: I’m only using// rock and roll// as a media; 我只是仅仅把摇滚音乐当成一种媒介 I don’t think it had been// really voiced //before then; 我认为之前的摇滚音乐没有真正的呐喊出来 I wanted// to be the instigator of// new idea; 我想成为新思想的先驱者 I wanted //to turn people on//to new things and //new perspectives; 我想让大家聚焦新事物和新视界 I always wanted //to be that sort of catalytic //kind of thing; 我一直想成为催化剂一样的角色 分享口语: (1)爆破失音规律:爆破音+辅音,爆破失音;t p k bd g; (2)连读:rock and和as a 连读; (3)sort of 和kind of连读;wanted to中美音发音会发d,美国人觉得d发音容易一些; (4)Catalytic kind 有一个规律,一山不容二虎,前面的k的音略去不读;比如 want to,lat time等,前面辅音不发音~~ 三、单词分享: 1、instigator:先驱者;instigate是动词; 2、perspective:视界;眼界; 3,Catalytic:催化剂; 4.Rock and roll 摇滚乐 喜欢你就点赞、转发和收藏吧~~