DAY 54--小伙伴们,劳动节你会遇到对眼的那个TA吗?

DAY 54--小伙伴们,劳动节你会遇到对眼的那个TA吗?

2017-04-29    03'46''

主播: 口语黑科技

196 9

背景音--Beautiful,来自Megan Nichola 今日分享--每日一句 It doesn't matter if the boy is perfect or the girl is perfect,as long as they're perfect for each other! 男生或者女生是否完美并不重要,只要他们对眼(和谐默契)就okay啦! 口语干货: 1.辅音略读:It doesn't 的t均可以略读; 2.Matter的a大口的梅花音;美音tt发音d,规律tt前后面紧邻发音均为元音,比如water; 3.Perfect:完美的:重音在第一个音节:'perfect,而不是per'fect;er发长元音,美音r一般都会卷舌!perfec(t)后面接辅音会略读哦; 4.Boy种oy发音双元音,饱满有力! 5.Th发音习惯咬舌头,用你的上下牙齿轻轻咬住你的! 小伙伴们,劳动人民节日快乐! Have a nice weekend and holiday to all of you guys! 快乐学习、共同进步和快乐成长,Rocky is with you all the time!