All over the shop真不是整个商场的意思哦?

All over the shop真不是整个商场的意思哦?

2017-05-26    04'22''

主播: 口语黑科技

146 5

今日分享--地道俚语分享 All over the shop 1.all over连读;辅音+元音连读规律; 2.shop的o美音习惯发音a: 第一种意思表达: all over the shop到处,例句: 1.Where have you been,rocky?Everyone of us has been looking all over the shop for you! 2.My house was a pretty mess because rocky left his dirty clothes all over the shop! 第二种意思: all over the shop乱七八糟;杂乱无章; 例句: I am a bit all over the shop this morning because I left my wallet,Phone and laptop at home! 口语干货: 1.everyone of us连读; 2.look的oo发音为短促有力地短元音u而不是u:; home发音h可以击穿;at(h)ome 小伙伴们,跟着rocky一起,快乐学习,快乐分享,口语共享时代来临!期待更多小伙伴们加入口语趴社区,共同进步,快乐成长! We bring joys to your perfect life!小伙伴们,喜欢rocky的节目,记得一定点赞、分享、转发和下载哦,让身旁更多小伙伴们家人我们哦^_^