Wet behind the ears真不是耳朵后面还是湿滴

Wet behind the ears真不是耳朵后面还是湿滴

2017-09-27    03'09''

主播: 口语黑科技

61 1

今日分享--地道俚语分享 Wet behind the ears 初出茅庐、缺乏经验、乳臭未干 口语干货: Wet behind的wet的t可以略读; the ears的the发音为i:,the后面加上元音the的e发音变为i:; 例句分享: 1.Hearting has just graduated from campus and she is still wet behind the ears! 何婷刚刚从学校毕业,工作缺乏经验! 2.Rocky knows all about the theory of the job,but when it comes to practical experience,he is still wet behind the ears! 洛奇对工作理论知识了如指掌,但要付诸实践,他就缺乏经验了! 小伙伴们,今天的俚语分享,你get到了吗,wet behind the ears?赶快加入rocky口语趴社区,快乐学习,共同进步和成长! We bring joys to your perfect life^_^