【No.027 】春节特刊--Facebook创始人的新春祝福

【No.027 】春节特刊--Facebook创始人的新春祝福

2016-02-12    10'19''

主播: 口语黑科技

651 11

背景音乐---Auld Lang Syne,苏格兰民歌;我们翻译Auld Lang Syne为友谊天长地久; 今天继续分享我们的春节特刊,今天分享的主题来自脸书facebook创始人Zuckerberg,Iris佩服他的勇气,全程用中文进行祝福语,虽然听起来怪怪的,但是情真意切哦!Okay,let us get it started: Priscilla and I are very excited to celebrate our first Chinese lunar new year with Max; 今年能和Max一起庆祝新春,我和普利西拉非常兴奋; 分享一个中国春节的地道表达:Chinese Lunar New Year是最地道的表达哦! 词组分享: Be excited to do something很高兴/很兴奋做某事;比如Iris每年与家人过春节,都非常兴奋,我们就可以这么表达:Iris is very excited to celebrate the Chinese Lunar New year with her family We hope on this holiday,you are also spending it with your family and friends 我们希望你也正在和你的家人、朋友在欢度这个春节假期; 这里:spend it with somebody,与某人欢度,与某人度过的意思,比如Iris花费了大量的时间来准备春节的年货,我们就可以这么表达:Iris spends lots of time preparing for the goods of Chinese New year! Last night at Facebook, we hosted our annual lunar new year’s celebration 昨晚是facebook的年度春节晚会; 这里分享一个实用词组:annual是每年的,一年一次的;比如现在各种流行的年度各种活动,公司年会聚餐呀:annual dinner, 公司年度聚会呀:annual party, 年度盛典:annual ceremony ; 分享口语小技巧: 1. Last night中last的t爆破失音,可以不发音,只做出嘴型即可; 2. Lots of有连读,辅音+元音规律; This year, we have the honor of hosting famous chefs from China representing many different cuisines for everyone at Facebook to experience 今年非常的荣幸,我们请来了几位中国的大厨,他们让facebook的员工品尝到了中国各大菜系的美食; 分享: 1.cuisine美食,佳肴; 2. represent for 代表 My favorite is Duck(Beijing Roasted Duck北京烤鸭)我最喜欢的是北京烤鸭; To celebrate the new year,members of our family gathered to enjoy a reunion dinner last night! 为了庆祝新年,我们全家人在一起吃了一顿团圆饭; 分享团圆饭如何表达: Family reunion Dinner,我们也可以用New Year&`&s Dinner; This is also meaningful holiday for Max because we have chosen her Chinese Name; 这个新年对Max也有特别的意义,因为我们给Max起了中文名字; Her name is Chen Mingyu;Chen after her mother’s family name, and mingyu represents our hope for a bright tomorrow for the world; 她的中文名叫陈明宇;陈是她妈妈的姓,明宇代表希望世界的未来更加美好; Finally,from our little family to yours,we wish you health and prosperity in the new monkey year! Happy new year~~ 最后,我们这个小家庭祝福大家在猴年身体健康,阖家幸福;新年快乐~~ Iris的新年祝福语: 1. May all of you guys have a wonderful and sweet lunar new year with all your members of your families! 祝福所有的小伙伴跟你的家人有一个多彩和甜蜜的新年 2. Wish you prosperity ,and where is my red envelope in the Monkey year? 猴年祝福你恭喜发财,红包拿来! 如果你喜欢我们这期节目的分享,赶快来点赞、收藏、下载、转发和分享给你身旁的小伙伴们吧~~