背景音乐--Aimee Allen的Save me;
今日分享地道俚语词组--Breath of the fresh air;
Iris and rocky are sitting on the sea to take a breath of the fresh air;
但是呢,breath of the fresh air这个词组还有一些其他的意思哦,Okay follow me~~
分享其他意思:1.表达某人让你眼前一亮啦;2.或某事让人耳目一新啦;3. 又或者某个地方让人感到焕然一新啦;那我们都可以用breath of the fresh air来表达啦:
No.1 Rocky来到这个团队后,整个团队感觉像脱胎换骨,焕然一新,那我们就可以这么来表达啦:
Rocky makes the team get to be like a breath of the fresh air after his coming;(建议重复都一次哦);
No. 2. 比如Iris的毕业论文真的让人眼前一亮,与众不同啦;导师非常喜欢啦!那我们就可以这么表达啦;
The graduation paper of Iris is like a breath of the fresh air;Her tutor likes it very much(再来一遍哦)
No. 3 比如一个萌哒哒,胖胖白皙的小女孩,非常可爱啦,真是讨人喜欢,那我们就可以这么来表达啦:
The cute baby is really like a breath of the fresh air;
No.4 比如rocky的房子经过重新装修后真是让人感觉焕然一新,完全不一样的感觉,那我们就可以这么表达啦:
The house of Rocky is really like a breath of the fresh air after refitting;
小伙伴们,Do you get it? Anyway,I am like a breath of the fresh air ,am I?我有让你们眼前一亮吗?
Okay,That 's all for you today,sharing with you next time,see you ,bye!